
Personal Loan for Low Cibil Score in Mumbai


We have approved cases for people who had low cibil score from 500 to 550. 600 to 650, 700 to 750 also we have approved cases for personal loan who had score below 500 through private finance. even though the interest rate is much higher than the Bank. But its better… in the sense that you are getting your loan approved. you will get money in your account in 3 to 4 working days through private finance. If you dont want to opt for private finance than too we can do your loan through NBFC and Bank. or Co-operative bank or even through pathpedhi.

We wont commit from where we can get your loan approved… unless we get your documents in our hand along with your cibil report and study them. Once we get all your necessary documents we will in a postion to tell you how much time it will take to get your loan sanctioned. And what will be the interest rates. Not before that… but one thing we can surely say, that is we can get your loan approved. No matter what is your cibil score.

Loans through private finance requires that the applicant should be living in his own house or in case if he lives in  house then he must have his own house in the city he is applying for loan.

If you want we can provide you with reference of lots of people whom we had sanction loan. we are in this field since last 5 years and we specialize in cibil cases. Just like there are lawyers for Criminal cases, Maritial affairs, Corporates, Intellectual property, Real Estate etc, there are people who do home loan, some do mortgage loan, some do personal loan.. some do project loan etc, we are the one who does only Cibil defaulters Personal loan, home loan and mortgage loan.

So If  you are looking for a genuine person to get your loan approved, with higher chances or probability then we are the one you are looking our for. Just call us and be relaxed.

Getting a loan approved from us is very easy and simple.

Submit your documents to us and you just relax. We will work hard and get your loan approved. You just have to pay our service charges as decided between us.

We don’t take money in advance, we charge you only if your loan is approved or we don’t charge you at all..  Thats our promise.

Tip : Dont run after agents who take money in advance and run away and stop receving your calls. And after that you run after them for your own money.

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