
Personal Loan For Credit Card Defaulters In Mumbai

Personal Loan For Credit Card Defaulters In Mumbai


We can definitely get your loan approved. if you have defaulted only credit card and nothing else. whether u have settled it or its in written off status.

80% of the people who are using credit card are defaulters by some reason or other. Because of it they have bad cibil record or you can say bad credit history. The reason can be any thing such as delayed payment, high interest rates, any purchase not converted in Emi, due to some fault by bank. Some time the debt went out of control to pay. Or of your financial position you couldn’t pay it what ever be the reason.. the result is now you are having a low cibil score.
We specialize in such type of cases. We help this people to get money. We are specialist in providing loans. To get loan approved who have bad cibil history usually takes more time than people who have good credit history, Bank or any financial institution thinks lots of time before providing loans to such customers. The credit manager thinks that if that customer has dumped the money of other bank or not doing payments on time, then whats the guarantee that he can’t dump our money or do late payments. Bank want surety that the customer who can pay their own money on time to them. They don’t want to run after customers for their own money and request them to pay, so they are careful before providing loan to customers. They are looking for honest person with good repaying ability and good track record of paying emi. Thats why nowadays bank check cibil record before providing any loan to customer,
The only solution for the people who have low cibil score coz of credit card. Is to contact us and relax. Just provide the necessary documents to us and we will start working on your case and get it approved as soon as possible.

TIP :- Do run after agents who say they will do you loan and give them money. Don’t waste you time, energy and money after them.

We Dont Charge Money in advance. We charge once you get your loan amount in you account

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