
Personal Loan by Private Finance In Mumbai


We Provide personal loan to cibil defaulters by private finance in mumbai.  We dont check for cibil score. we just check for repaying capacity of the person. as its unsecured loan the interest rate is quite high than the banks in the market. Private finance is the only option available to the person who have low cibil score and can’t get loan from any bank or financial institution. Loans provided by private finance are for short term.. maximum 1 year tenure, so the emi would be much higher than the regular bank emi. Don’t even try to compare private finance emi with bank. As it would be much higher. If you think the emi is high then approach bank, you will find that they wont provide you loan.

Private Finance Personal Loan Mumbai

Documents require for loan by private finance are same as its required by bank. They too sign a agreement with the customer for the loan amount sanctioned and their terms and conditions. The best part of private finance is that you get loan amount sanctioned in 3 to 4 working days, the actual money is transferred into your account. They ensure that you can pay emi on time. As the emi return charges are very high. they also do office and residence verification and also see your all original documents before sanctioning loan.They don’t provide loan to the person who is living in rented house. The person applying for personal loan should have his own house in the city where he is applying for loan.  the loan provided by them are minimum Rs.30000 to Rs.300000. Depending upon the eligibility of customer. The minimum salary required to get a personal loan is Rs.12000. per month. So if you have an emergency and you are not getting personal loan from any other sources then and then only opt for private finance. Ortherwise try it from any other source. It should be the last option to you. If you want to know more call 9324120120

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