How to get your Personal loan, Home loan, Mortgage Loan approved while having bad/low CIBIL/credit scores. we have mentioned below few guidelines which will help you to get Personal loan, Home loan, Mortgage Loan no matter if your CIBIL score is poor.Check your spouse’ CIBIL score:If your Credit score is poor and your spouse has got a good CIBIL score, then you may ask for his/her help. You can get your loan application approved by making your spouse a Co-applicant.If you have got a good salary now:Now if you are earning good enough now and you have good capacity to repay your loans then this will help you get your loan application sanctioned no matter whatever your CIBIL score is.Peer to Peer Lending:The interest rates on this loan are quite high and loan amount is small as well. Such type of loans are popular abroad. However, it is being implemented in India gradually.Collateral loans:You can go for loan against collateral including assets, shares , FDs, gold loan and there are many other loan products available. Banks do not CIBIL report for such loan products.